Regular thyroid function monitoring allows early detection of changes. A balanced diet provides essential minerals such as iodine and selenium, which support thyroid health. Patients with diagnosed thyroid conditions should maintain a consistent medication schedule, undergo routine blood tests, and attend follow-up appointments. Physical activity and stress management techniques can help reduce symptoms. Keeping a record of symptom changes assists doctors in adjusting treatment plans.
Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders
The manifestations of thyroid disorders vary depending on whether the gland is overactive or underactive, with symptoms developing gradually over time.
Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid)
Weight loss despite normal or increased appetite, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, nervousness, tremors in the hands, and heat intolerance occur with an overactive thyroid. Additional symptoms may include increased bowel movements and muscle weakness.
Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)
Fatigue, weight gain, cold sensitivity, dry skin, and muscle weakness indicate an underactive thyroid. These symptoms often develop slowly over months or years, accompanied by constipation, hair thinning, and fluid retention.
Sleep Disturbances
Both conditions affect sleep patterns – hyperthyroidism can cause difficulty sleeping and restlessness, while hypothyroidism may result in excessive daytime sleepiness and prolonged fatigue.
Mood Changes
Hyperthyroidism often leads to anxiety, irritability, and emotional instability, while hypothyroidism may contribute to depression, cognitive slowing, and reduced mental clarity.
Physical Changes
Skin, hair, and nail changes occur in both conditions. Hypothyroidism causes dry, coarse skin and brittle nails, while hyperthyroidism may lead to warm, moist skin and hair thinning.